December Update
Hello friends!
We are only a couple months away from moving to Guatemala and have almost all of our one time funds raised but we have about 25% of our monthly support raised.
We have moved to IL and are in the process of selling our house, and have begun making new connections here. We hope to continue connecting with friends and family back home or who live far away from us now.
Caitlin made the curriculum that is needed for the third quarter! This quarter will start in a couple weeks, and it is cool that all of us working on it got all 8 weeks done early. We started a new curriculum this year and have to make each quarter's lessons.
Important prayer requests here:
If anyone is considering supporting us monetarily, but haven't started yet and would like to help us out, you can privately message me or Bradley for more details or to let us know. If you can refer us to anyone you think may be willing to partner with us, please message us about that too! We will continue doing our best trying to contact more people and churches, but it's always nice if we can connect with people who our friends or family recommend.
We hope you all have a happy New Year's this week! We are most thankful for all the support we've received from family and friends, and for God's faithfulness. We are excited to see our daughter grow into the girl she is becoming, and see how God is moving in our lives this year.
If you feel comfortable, please feel free to send us your own prayer requests too, or for fun, you can share with us what you are thankful or excited about from the past year/excited about this coming year!
Bradley and Caitlin Webb