September and October of 2024
Hello again! Caitlin and Bradley Webb here.
We want to start out by saying how thankful we are for the supporting we have already raised who have decided to partner with us!
A lot happened in the past month and a half!
We now have 13% coming in, with 22% of monthly funds pledged. With the hopes that those we met with in September and October will be able to help us get to 30% soon.
- Caitlin had a lot of health issues, but she didn’t let the enemy slow them down in their goals, knowing God will get her through everything that comes her way.
- We met with another church, their budget was already set for this next year, but maybe can support us in a future year.
- We participated in the quarterly meeting with the parents for the first time! We also did a training video with the other staff via zoom meeting this month! It’s exciting getting to know people a little more before we move!
Our ministry has also grown this summer and fall!
Encounter: Equipping in Ministry Academy has:
- Went from 10 full time students last school year, to having 20 this school year, plus having some part-time/online students. There are also potentially a couple more students interviewing very soon, about enrolling for next year.
- Our school ( in addition to the two founding teachers and the maintenance workers ) 1) gained one part-time volunteer teacher, 2) they were able to hire one teacher from Guatemala to help with Spanish courses and any future kids from the community to transition into English learning eventually.
- Our staff decided to host retreat groups and ministry worker in the school’s spare rooms during the summer and winter breaks, to raise money for our teacher from Guatemala’s wages, and to raise extra funds in case future children from the community join but don’t have quite enough to afford the tuition (cost of their books/supplies mainly).
- We gained a chaplain and his wife this September! They are now in charge of the spiritual guidance of the students, and our Awana program held at the school. They also are available to staff or parents if they need to talk. This will help our school flourish, all of our teachers to devote more time to just teaching classes, and developing further rapport with the students and their parents.
- Bradley and Caitlin, plus a new college graduate, are in the process of raising support to move in the spring, to begin Spanish language school in 2025.
- Bradley, Caitlin, and the other missionary will join the teaching staff in July, when Encounter’s 2025-26 school year begins!
This means that our staff of 4 from last year, will become a staff of 11 once all of us get to Guatemala! And our student body is only continuing to grow. We have space for 40 in the current building, and have future plans in place in case we ended up needing another building someday.
- Caitlin and the part-time teachers have been working together these last two quarters of school creating the curriculum for the kindergarteners through second graders. So Caitlin is already helping out from a distance!
- Caitlin will also be preparing to start up a pre-K program for the school, as two more students next year hope to join in that age bracket.
Prayer Requests:
1) For God to continue to bring us into contact with more people who can support us while we are still in Michigan.
2) That the closing on our house goes well, and in the time hoped for.
5) For us to be able to learn well as we practice Spanish.
6) Caitlin's minor health issues stop popping up, or that they don't slow us down in our endeavors.
7) That we can continue finding partners and support when we move to Illinois in late November.
9) That we can sell a lot of our things before donating what we don't intend to keep after our move.
10) That the teachers and chaplain at our school right now continue to successfully aid the children's educational and spiritual needs, as they arise.